Bustin' Out of Breast Cancer

My 5 Year Cancerversary!!

Shannon Burrows Season 1 Episode 163

This was my Facebook post for today and I thought it was better than show notes. (Let's Connect on Facebook

5 years ago today you introduced yourself to me, my family, and friends.

I just wanted to say Thank You for stopping by and impacting my life the way you did!

I know you thought you were sneaky creeping into our lives without showing signs of a lump but what you didn’t know is that I was (still am) in tune with my body and I knew something was wrong after having 6 days of anxiety and high blood pressure and knowing my hormones were out of whack which is what got me to the doctor in the first place. After a routine women’s wellness exam & mammogram, as well as an MRI & biopsy you were discovered!

You also didn’t know who you were messing with because I don’t play games but what I DO do is wake up every day on a mission of Changing The World, One S.M.I.L.E. At A Time

You allowed me to find my Purpose at the intersection of Passion and Pain, which has allowed me to make an impact on others on so many levels and also help others navigate their journey as well!

You introduced me to so many important lessons like:

1. Listen to your body

2. How to slow down and enjoy the moments in life

3. How there is a HUGE gap between the medical and fitness industries

4. That other women and families don’t need to fight this alone

5. How to say NO to people and things

6. I have a gift that wasn’t being used to its fullest potential


So what I’ve done with those amazing lessons in the last 5 years is:

1. Had the Policies & Procedures changed at the hospital that lost my Lymph node which has never given me total clearance that cancer has not spread

2. Raised & donated over $15,000 for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer & Bluewater Babes

3. I’ve been an advocate and a voice for others to know it’s OK to fire your medical team if they aren’t a good fit for you

4. I’ve launched a podcast (Bustin' Out of Breast Cancer) to have a platform to share my story and the stories of so many amazing Thrivers

5. Became a Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist to be able to help others navigate their recovery from surgery and treatment

6. Met so many amazing women that have been diagnosed and have become friends

7. Found so much confidence & clarity in my life

8. Took back control of my life

9. Incorporated into my Real Estate business plan that every transaction I close, a portion of my commission will go back to a breast cancer organization to help others

10. And the list goes on!

Because I will find the silver lining in everything!

Hitting the 5 year cancer free milestone is a big deal and it seemed like it would be forever until I got here and trust me when I tell you the wind has been taken out of my sails on many occasions. I have even felt like a weeble wobble many times but as we know, weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down!

Rest assured my comeback is much greater than my setback! 

Thank you breast cancer, I’ll take it from here!